Cooperative interest rates

When investing money for the term, it is essential to consider a series of variables that meet the highest expectations, since it is about obtaining the highest return under the safest and clearly defined conditions.

It is important, for example, to consider whether an investment is more convenient in dollars or colones. If you have the money in colones and you need it in colones within a year, it is advisable to invest it in a certificate in colones. Otherwise, the exchange rate differential (the price that must be paid to convert colones into dollars and then dollars into colones) can consume the returns.

A reverse situation occurs when you save to spend in dollars, in which case you will add to the amount of interest earned the amount corresponding to the devaluation of the colón that has occurred during the time provided in the term deposit certificate.

The best term to invest

Now, is it better for you to deposit your money after six months, one year or four years? The interest rates payable are different, some more appetizing than others and these notes are just some of the variables that an investor must take into account when deciding what to do with his money.

What the saver can be sure of is that cooperatives pay the best interest rates in the market and that in an institution like Coopealianza RL you will find a variety of certificates, so that you can select the one that is most attractive to you:

How much interest do I get paid? It will depend on the circumstances that are occurring in the market, but the interested party can make a projection using an investment calculator that is available on our website or, you can come to our offices so that our service agents can give you more information. .

Contact us at 2785-3000, we will be here to serve you.